Introducing the DiggerDog Nail File - a new way of trimming your dog’s more problematic front nails.
Are you one of the many dog owners struggling to trim your dog’s front nails?
For Irena Votavova of Melbourne, Australia, such a struggle was the inspiration for this innovative product - the DiggerDog Nail File - an incredibly simple and natural way to trim your dog’s more problematic nails on the front paws.

Here is her story:
“My first beloved Doberman was a female called Zana.
When I took her to the vet for the first time to get her nails trimmed, it turned into a nightmare! As soon as she was put on the table and the vet touched her paw, Zana started fighting. Even with 3 people – the vet, the nurse and I - trying to restrain her, it was almost impossible.
Eventually the vet managed to clip the first nail. At that moment Zana went wild and started howling so desperately, that I decided to stop the procedure. I couldn’t put her through it anymore! When I walked out with her, there were traces of blood on the floor …. the vet had cut into the quick.
Soon after this traumatic experience, an idea came to me.
Zana loved her daily bones but would often bury them for later.
One day I was having my cup of tea in the garden and was watching Zana digging for her hidden treasure – an old bone. Later on, when she came to me, I noticed that the nails on her front paws were trimmed shorter. She had given herself a pedicure!
My little invention was born.
After coming up with the idea of the DiggerDog Nail File, I spent the next year and a half testing and prototyping my invention to make sure that it’s safe, stable, strong, but most of all - it works.”
The DiggerDog Nail File is a nail-trimming device that makes the trimming of a dog’s front nails easy and fun for both the dog and the owner. Its major difference from other devices is that the dog does its own nail trimming, instead of being subjected to the often-stressful procedure.
How it works is simple: the owner places a treat inside the food compartment. The dog quickly gets the idea and digs on the surface to get at the treat. A repeat of this simple action on the rough surface of the DiggerDog Nail File is all it takes to trim the dog’s nails. The dog will soon understand ‘the game’ and be eager to participate. Nail trimming will now change from a stressful task to a fun game which you and your dog will look forward to.
Because the DiggerDog Nail File works on a dog’s natural instinct – digging – it trims only the nails on the front paws. In most cases, nails on hind paws don’t need to be trimmed down like the front ones as they get naturally more worn down by walking and running.
(Cathy Salzberg from says “For most dogs, the front nails will grow longer than the rear nails, because dogs tend to ‘push off’ from their rear paws, naturally wearing their nails down”.)
The DiggerDog Nail File is
proudly Invented, Designed and Made in Australia.
Please visit our website to find out more and to purchase. Use code BLOG1 to get a 20% discount. Valid until 31st October 2023.
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