My dog hates dog nail clippers and dog nail grinders, so how do I trim my dog's nails? The Original Dog Nail Scratch Board - the Digger Dog Nail File, designed for a dog's more problematic front nails, may be the dog nail trimming solution for you.
My dog hates dog nail clippers and dog nail grinders, so how do I trim my dog's nails? The Original Dog Nail Scratch Board - the Digger Dog Nail File, designed for a dog's more problematic front nails, may be the dog nail trimming solution for you.
When dogs walk and run, they use their back legs to propel themselves
forward and thus wear down the back nails much more than the front ones.
Veterinarian Dr Doug English - founder and owner of Nutritional Turmeric Bites & Bars | Turmeric Life (from Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia) - explained:
‘Trimming a dog’s nails is an important health task. It is more important to
clip the fronts, because the hind toenails wear better as they are used more
when the dog moves.’ (Dr Doug was the first Veterinarian that saw my invention- back then in its infancy - and gave it the 'thumbs up')
Unfortunately, many dogs don’t like the traditional nail trimming tools (dog nail clippers, dog nail files and dog nail grinders such as a Dremel).
Trimming nails becomes stressful for these dogs, as well as
for their owners.
Additionally, many reactive dogs (dogs that have had some form of trauma and overreact to stimuli) find nail trimming a real challenge. Rescue dogs have often had multiple owners and have more than likely been exposed to different nail trimming techniques/attempts.
'Many adopted rescue dogs may exhibit reactive behavior due to fear or anxiety stemming from past experiences or unfamiliar environments' Reactive Dog Training for Adopted Rescue Dogs: Building Confidence and Overcoming Challenges (dogbizness.com.au)
The struggle with dog nail clipping was the inspiration for this new product - the 'Digger Dog Nail File' - an incredibly simple and natural way to trim your dog’s more problematic front nails.
The Digger Dog Nail File is an Australian invention, owned by Irena Votavova of
Melbourne, Victoria. This unique dog nail file scratch board was the FIRST of its kind in the World and is made in Melbourne, Australia from top quality components.
Although there are now various copy-cat versions on the market, as always, you get what you pay for. Unlike the other copies (we assume all made in Asia), when you purchase our Digger Dog Nail File, not only can you be sure that you are investing in a professional grooming tool that will last for years, but you are also supporting Australian Manufacturing.
The Digger Dog Nail File is recommended by Behavioral Veterinarians like Dr. Kate Lindsey from 'Kalmpets', Perth, Western Australia Dog Care & Training Perth - Kalmpets and Professional Dog Trainers like Chiara Perry, owner of Point Cook Dog Training & Day Care.
Check out the article below, from 'The Spruce Pets' (USA) to hear what they have to say about the Digger Dog Nail File:
The 6 Best Dog Scratch Pads of 2024 (thesprucepets.com)
To read more about how this unique product came to be, here is Irena’s story:
“My first beloved Doberman was a girl called Zana.
When I took her for the first time to a vet to get her nails trimmed, it turned
into a nightmare! As soon as she was put on the table and the vet touched her
paw, Zana started fighting. Even with 3 people – the vet, the nurse and I -
trying to restrain her, it was almost impossible.
Eventually the vet managed to clip the first nail. At that moment Zana went
wild and started howling so desperately, that I decided to stop the procedure. I
couldn’t put her through it anymore! When I walked out with her, there were
traces of blood on the floor - the vet had cut into the quick!
Soon after this traumatic experience, an idea came to me.
Zana loved her daily bones but would often bury them for later.
One day I was having my cup of tea in the garden and was watching Zana
digging for her hidden treasure – an old bone. Later on, when she came to me, I
noticed that the nails on her front paws were trimmed shorter. She had given
herself a little pedicure!
My little invention was born!
The Digger Dog Nail File is a dog nail-trimming device that makes the trimming
of a dog’s more problematic front nails easy and fun for both the dog and the
owner. Its major difference from other devices is that the dog does its own nail
trimming, instead of being subjected to the often-stressful procedure.
How it works is simple: the owner places a favorite treat inside the Digger
Dog Nail File food drawer, then shows it to the dog and closes the drawer. The dog quickly gets the idea and just does what comes naturally - ‘digs’ on the abrasive surface of the food drawer to open it. A repeat of this simple action is all it
takes to trim the dog’s nails. Almost immediately, the dog recognizes the
game and will be eager to participate. Nail trimming can easily go from
being a chore that you avoid, to becoming something fun that both you and your
dog look forward to.
To find out more and to buy, visit The Original Dog Nail File by DiggerDog – DiggerDog Nail File